Podiatry in Melbourne

Fees & FAQs

At Melbourne Podiatry Clinic, Our philosophy is simple. We want to make your life better.

Welcome to Melbourne Podiatry Clinic's Fees & FAQs

At Melbourne Podiatry Clinic, Our philosophy is simple. We want to make your life better. That’s it. We will help you:

Understand exactly what is causing your pain

Reduce your pain

Get you moving again

Provide a long-term solution

Our goal is to stop your foot pain from impacting your life and get you moving well and feeling great!
Podiatry in Melbourne Fees & FAQs

Our Goal

Our goal is to stop your foot pain from impacting your life and get you moving well and feeling great!

All of our clinics and services have the capacity to be claimed via your private health insurance (depending on your individual coverage). HICAPS facilities are available in the Essendon and Blackburn rooms.

Sports Medicine Doctor

Inclusions (where your condition requires it)

When you see one of our podiatrists, expect to receive the following inclusions, at NO EXTRA fee to you. It’s all part of the service.

A Welcoming Smile - always!

Listen to Understand your issue - always!

Hand's on Treatment - where needed

Exercise Rehabilitation and Strengthening plan - just about always!

Video Gait Analysis - as required

Taping - as required

Dry Needling - as required

A tailored treatment plan - always!

A Referral is generally NOT required for Podiatry services.

Please call us if you are unsure.

Workcover and TAC patients

All Workcover and TAC patients are seen by us, but you will be charged our standard private rate. After paying the Melbourne Podiatry Clinic invoice, it is your obligation to submit a refund claim through TAC or Workcover. To help you with this process, we will finish all the documentation. Get in touch with us for further details.

Private Health Funds

We service all private health funds (BUPA, Medibank, HCF, HBA, NIB, AHF, etc.)

Cancellation Fee

We know your time is precious, and so is ours. If you fail to attend an appointment or give notice of your non-attendance on the day of your consultation, a cancellation fee of 100% will be charged to your account.


Consultations for podiatry are accepted through Veteran's Affairs (DVA) and Medicare (Chronic Disease Management CDM) (both requiring a GP referral).

HCF Members

HCF members with extras and those enrolled in the "More for Feet" programme are entitled to one NO GAP Initial Consultation each calendar year. In order to ensure that you don't have to pay anything out of pocket for the initial podiatry appointment, please call your fund to verify that you are a member of the "More for Feet" programme and let us know at the time of booking!


We do have significant demand for our services with people waiting for appointments, so we appreciate a phone call if you are unable to attend or if you are running late for your appointment.

We are not preferred providers

In theory, prefered provider programmes make sense, but frequently serve the interests of insurance companies only.

We have been adamant and steadfast in our stance that we will not participate in any favoured provider schemes unless you stand to gain (such as HCF More for Feet mentioned above).

Although prefered provider programmes may sound like a good idea, they typically only signify that the service provider (the podiatry clinic) has changed their pricing schedule to comply with the requirements of the insurer.

Your consultation time is frequently shortened as a result, and occasionally the level of service is compromised.

Being a part of these preferred provider programmes goes against our core values since we place a high priority on the standard of service.

Furthermore, they often just mean you will use up your podiatry cover faster!

Yes, it looks like you pay less out of pocket at the first initial visit, though it doesn’t change the overall pool of funds allocated to you for the year, you just use it up quicker!

Melbourne Podiatry Clinic

How much does it cost to see a Podiatrist in Melbourne?

ConsultationDuration (up to)Investment
Podiatry – Initial30 mins$122
Podiatry – Review30 mins$107
Extended Podiatry Consult (2 or more issues)60 mins$225 Initial
  $199 Review
Podiatry – Initial30 mins$109
Podiatry – Review30 mins$93
Custom Orthotics – 1 Pair $725
Custom Orthotics – 2 Pairs($200 discount)$1,250
Paediatric Orthotics $350
Permanent Nail Surgery – including 3 follow-up appointments60 mins$500
Nail Surgery – including 3 follow-up appointments60 mins$475
Depending on the nature of your presenting complaint, you may need to bring along some items to the consultation. For example, if you have had past history of foot and ankle pain and have had x-rays, been fitted with orthotic devices previously or have medical reports that describe your condition, these will all be of benefit to your treating podiatrist. Obviously, if you have a referral from your General Practitioner, Medical Specialist or Allied Health Practitioner then you need to bring this along. – Referral letter and / or medical reports – Private health fund card – Previous orthotics / insoles – X-rays, ultrasounds, CT and MRI scans – Old footwear that may have specific wear patterns
We are very confident of the quality of our services, though we know that we can’t cure every single person that attends the clinic. We strive to give you a firm diagnosis as early as possible. If we can’t significantly improve your condition in 3 sessions, we will refer you to a GP, Sports Doctor, Physio, Orthopaedic Specialist or Consultant for their opinion. We know your health, time and finances are important, so we don’t waste your time. We have an excellent referral network across Melbourne to help solve even the most stubborn and difficult conditions. Please contact the clinic if you have any questions.
If you have a query or question, please contact the clinic via phone. Due to medico-legal requirements, we do not give advice or diagnostic information via email. Your podiatrist may ask you to update them via email for a progress report to make sure you are getting the best possible outcomes.

Melbourne Podiatry Clinic

Book an Appointment

For Podiatry in Essendon and Blackburn, contact us for professional podiatric care on (03) 9993 0461 or book online now.

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